by Jim Pickerell Microsoft’s Bing has created the Bing Image Widget making It possible for any Bing user to embed, free of charge, on their website or blog any images found in a Bing Images search. Here’s how it works. If you are writing about volcanos you copy and paste this code into your web page where you … Read More →
It’s never a good time to die. Never. But there are months that are worst than others. August is one of them, especially if you live in Western Europe. August is when everyone leaves on vacation and tunes off. Everyone and from everything. So if you pass away during August, there is a good chance … Read More →
Social Media opened our eyes to the reality that there is a massive talent pool of photographers that have not chosen the path of going pros. They enjoy taking and sharing photos just for the pleasure while they go on paying for their lives with other, probably more lucrative, occupations. Nevertheless, the technology world doesn’t see … Read More →
It was just a question of time. We have repeatedly wrote here about how the current photo licensing model is broken and obsolete . We also explained at full length how image data collection and third-party revenue are the new gold mine. Getty apparently heard and is now applying. (If … Read More →
Today, or yesterday, Google made a little change to its image search engine that could have great consequences. Apparently responding to a blog post by Lessing – the leading advocate for a copyright free world- who was complaining that Bing Images search offered better functionality, Google decided to move the license search filter to the … Read More →
The Gods of copyright are satiated . With the recent judgement calling for AFP and Getty Images to disburse $1,2 million to Mr Morel for copyright infringement, they have been offered reverence. Or have they ? … Read More →
Publications are no longer the place where photography is consumed, social media is. The so called professional market has become an infinitesimal portion of the marketplace. The big Internet companies have understood it and are waging a take no prisoners battle to control it. They want it all. They want to be the place where photographs … Read More →
The misconception of the pro photography world is that, without their content, publications, blogs, and other companies cannot be successful. They believe that they are in a position of power in an economy that is rapidly doing without them. True, a decade or plus ago, it was very hard, if not impossible, for a print … Read More →
This is a guest post by Paul Harris : Dear Mark Zuckerberg, I hope this note is read by you and all of your tech company friends, who will take note that regarding a photograph, “If you generate revenues on it, around it, relating to it, we want a piece of it.” I also … Read More →
Amateurs use their cameras as a descriptive tool, making statements like “I was here” or “I had a beer with so and so” while professionals grab symbolic analogues of our sensory and emotional experiences to create a representation. One describes, the other explains.
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