
The real strength of deepfakes or alternate images is not that they falsify the truth – we have been able to that since the birth of photography- but rather, thanks to social media, that they are completely dissociated from their original creators and thus their intent.  When the Soviet government released a documentary, we knew Read More →

Guest Post by Thierry Secretan, photographer, author, journalist. Although Instagram declares it does not monetize your pictures, it still allows commercial Instagram clones to proliferate. Those generate revenue using your images without sharing any of the profits. Which one of us does not share our photographs on Instagram? What good is it to take pictures, Read More →

Guest post by: Thierry Secretan, photographer, journalist, filmmaker. Only 3% of the photographs published on the web still have their metadata — The remaining 97% are stripped of all metadata. Why? How? By whom? What are the solutions? In a time where we are confronting a surge of fake news, these questions are worth asking. photo: Olivier Read More →

All really deserve a post of their own but my schedule will not allow the necessary time for a deeper dive. So here is the TL:DR version. Google/ Getty: Late last week, Getty announced a global licensing agreement with Google. While this wouldn’t rattle anyone’s news alert  (anyone can license images to Google), it is the terms Read More →

Exciting news shook the photo world ( and the stock market) as Kodak announced, along with Wenn digital,  its cryptocurrency copyright infringement monitoring platform. Some called it a welcome revolution while other raised red flags. Let’s review and try to make sense of it all. First, let’s see who is really behind this initiative. Kodak, as you Read More →

One of the most important announcement during Google latest release event has mainly passed under the radar or simply dismissed as a gadget. The Pixel Clip camera is a small device that can be attached anywhere and, using a simple A.I.,  continuously takes photos when it recognizes familiar faces. Perfect for busy parents who like to record everything but do not Read More →