Stock photography agencies have always been the symbol of opulent and refined visual content. However, a fascinating and innovative evolution has just emerged with the advent of AI. Driven by a strategy that, at first glance, seems to defy all reason, stemming more from a rushed and panicked reaction than a clear understanding of the … Read More →
The stock photo industry has been devastated. From various newsletters and blogs, some very insightful, it is down to almost zero, if only for a few survivors. Even bulletin boards, populated mainly by microstock shooters, seem to have lost all steam. Is it that all has been said and written or that there is just … Read More →
Exciting news shook the photo world ( and the stock market) as Kodak announced, along with Wenn digital, its cryptocurrency copyright infringement monitoring platform. Some called it a welcome revolution while other raised red flags. Let’s review and try to make sense of it all. First, let’s see who is really behind this initiative. Kodak, as you … Read More →
You walk in a supermarket, pick up a bag of potatoes and head for the cash register. At this point, the employee ask you how you intend to use the potatoes. Depending on your answer, he will charge you more or less. He also asks what is your overall budget, how many people you intend … Read More →
The problem with photography today is not Instagram, Selfies or other Snapchat. It is not the devaluation of the value of professional photography. No, those are nothing compared to the massive influx of a pernicious disease infecting modern photography. The problem with photography today is that everyone writes about photography. Not that is a problem … Read More →
And you thought there was no money to be made in photography ? Well, you were wrong , there is and it doesn’t involve taking exclusive pictures of Angelina Jolie’s new twins. In fact, it looks more like it involves taking pictures of the most boring things, blowing them big and putting the whole thing … Read More →
“Thoughts of ” is relocating or expanding : On Facebook : Thoughts of a Bohemian page for the daily snippets On La Lettre de la Photographie for 2 columns a week. One column is dedicated on the best there is to discover about photography on the web while the other, brand new, is about the … Read More →
It used to be that photojournalism could be done by everyone. Lately, this seem to have shifted. When Bob Capa decided to go cover the Spanish civil war, he took with him ( or was it the opposite ?), photographer Gerda Taro. Probably because she died much earlier than Capa ( in 1937), her work … Read More →
So you lost your job at a fancy newspaper and wedding photography is not you thing. Or you spend years behind a photo desk editing others’ pictures and you want in on the action. War is too far and too dangerous. Studio is expensive and tedious. Microstock is just that : micro. what’s left ? … Read More →
Always dreamed to be a Getty contributor but could get yourself accepted? Or did you wish your images screamed “come and purchase, this is dirt cheap ” ? Or you simply thought the Getty Images logo was so beautiful that you had to photograph it over and over ? Well, so did Getty. Thanks to … Read More →