You walk in a supermarket, pick up a bag of potatoes and head for the cash register. At this point, the employee ask you how you intend to use the potatoes. Depending on your answer, he will charge you more or less. He also asks what is your overall budget, how many people you intend to have at your dinner party and consequently charges you more. A week goes by and you still have potatoes left you would like to use for another dinner party ( you are very social, after all). You then have to call the supermarket and ask for another permission. Again, you have to explain how you intend to use those potatoes and depending on your answer, you will be quoted a price. If you are lucky, they might even give you a break because you already used the potatoes. O, but wait, at the last-minute, you decide that instead of french fries, you want to mash them. Another call to the supermarket, which is closed because it’s after hours, and you are left not being able to eat them.
That’s RM pricing.
RT @melchp: The absurdity of RM pricing or how to buy potatoes :
@melchp Totally agree.
What if I want to Photoshop the eyes?
extra $$$
Ron Haines liked this on Facebook.
@duckrabbitblog @melchp But what’s the alternative? Shouldn’t niche blog vs NYT be diff rates? (Honest question, don’t do much licensing.)
@tempusrob @melchp Good question.
Jaak Nilson liked this on Facebook.
Joel Halioua liked this on Facebook.
… but when you eat the potato… it´s gone… when you use the image, afterwards it´s not gone and can be used once again… right?
Not really, it is transformed into something else. But the persistence of the product is not even relevant to the RM pricing. In fact, because it can be licensed over and over again, it should be cheaper. Another point to add to it’s absurdity.
Well, yes… after eating the potato it is really transformed into something else… :-)))… but we don´t want to talk about that :-). But I get your point that RM pricing can be absurd… but the alternative RF pricing gives the buyer almost all rights forever… and unless the tog gets to sell the same picture many times, he gets less money as he would heve gotten if he would have done the same sales under RM. But RM is a PITA for the buyer, that´s true. I guess the future of pricing for images will be perfect, when the technique gets to the point where EVERY use of an image can be tracked down and documented and accounted in real time. So, the photographer will get his “reward” as a proportion of the views an image gets. If the image gets much views (i.e. so the buyer gets much “profit”), he gets more money. If the image gets few views… well, he better make better ones.
THAT would be perfect!
@tempusrob @duckrabbitblog @melchp potatoes is not a created vision if a person.
@tempusrob @duckrabbitblog @melchp I say then potatoes to prime rib steak should be same price? 🙂 it’s food we consume it.
The absurdity of RM pricing via @melchp
The absurdity of RM pricing via @melchp
Benjamin Chesterton liked this on Facebook.
You walk by yourself into a box office. The employee ask you how long does the movie you want to see lasts, then tells you your ticket price. Next, a school group of fifty comes. The employee asks the teacher how long does the movie they want to see lasts. Since it is half as short as yours, he charges the whole group only half what you paid.
That’s RF pricing.
The absurdity of RM pricing – Can someone reply with an equally ill-fitting metaphor about RF ?
The absurdity of RM pricing – Can someone reply with an equally ill-fitting metaphor about RF ?
RF: Entire group of 50 pays half what you paid to watch movie by yourself because it is 1/2 the length
RF: Entire group of 50 pays half what you paid to watch movie by yourself because it is 1/2 the length
.@melchp Your strawman example isn’t analogous. RM is about others wanting to make X dollars off artists’ work. Always. Even non-profit.
Paul, check it. It is not free site, but probably you know it. I posted there your blog post link.
there is a discussion about you blog post.
“digital demagogue”? Wow. I have heard it all