by Jim Pickerell Microsoft’s Bing has created the Bing Image Widget making It possible for any Bing user to embed, free of charge, on their website or blog any images found in a Bing Images search. Here’s how it works. If you are writing about volcanos you copy and paste this code into your web page where you Read More →

With more and more brands getting involved in social media and social media becoming more and more visual, the need for photography is exploding. To be a relevant brand today, especially if your target audience is the young and connected, you need, at minimum, accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, Pinterest and your own blog. Read More →

Now, this is an interesting twist : This Belgium photo studio will shoot your products for free if you, in exchange, let them sell those products once the shoot is  finished. Thus, they make money not on the photo shoot but on the product they sell afterwards. Here is how it works : You are Read More →

Our ability to achieve greatness is impeded by our  addiction to getting to fast results and instant gratification. We are a civilization focused on the ends rather than the means, resulting in a complete absence of ethics. While the Greeks , Romans and Egyptians have left quasi immortal legacy, our civilization will leave a huge Read More →

“Thoughts of ” is relocating or expanding : On Facebook :  Thoughts of a Bohemian page  for the daily snippets On La Lettre de la Photographie for 2 columns a week. One column is dedicated on the best there is to discover about photography on the web while the other, brand new, is about the Read More →

A new camera is about to change how we think about photography. Or is it ? This camera, called Lytro, records the light field instead of a beam of light. Let me try to explain: Our current camera record light in one point regardless of its distance and crashes all the information in one location. Read More →

You say photojournalism is dead. You say , where are all the good stories gone. You say, it used to be that we could see great photo essays in the pages of our magazine. You say a lot of things. But what do you do ? Well, here is a suggestion : go to Read More →

Photography has always been about Time. and Space.  When one presses on that button, both are frozen, captured and can thus be delivered elsewhere in Time and Space. That was then. The makers of the GigaPan, a machine that takes multiple images of a scene with various focal lengths in order to reconstitute it into Read More →

One of the interesting aspects of the launch of The Daily this week, for those of us who are in the business of licensing images, is how to price those images. Traditionally, an image license takes in consideration the circulation of the publication. And with  print, it is no problem. A publisher will decide how Read More →