Sometimes, away from the screams of the mainstream media’s ADD ( Attention Deficit Disorder) , you fall on some incredibly powerful story. This is one of them. Beautifully photographed and edited by photographer Piotr Malecki. ‘Nough said. Take a look :
With more than 10 % of every internet visit going to Facebook and 25 % of pageviews in the USA, Facebook has, in 2010, shown to be a more powerful player than Google. Sure, you can spend your days optimizing your website for Google search results until you are blue in the face, or until … Read More →
The two sides of Getty Images : Getty images : “we will drown you with our images” Getty Images : Cool Year in review
You know what’s funny ? I’ll tell you what’s funny. By continuing to put so much financial pressure on photographers and photography, the media will loose it’s source of imagery . With declining space rates and assignment rates, increasingly obscene rights grabbing bordering on copyright infringement, unacceptable usage agreements and overall disrespect of the photography … Read More →
Saw this today : Idea is smart: Charge and download images at the same time. no wires. Problem : it seems to be entirely thought around the “family picture” market only and not for the pro or semi pro user. Furthermore, you seem to need a box that is linked to your TV. Now really … Read More →
As we all try to figure what sells, or could sell and for how much, one exercise that we should all rather play with is how our images are viewed and interpreted. Maybe, just maybe, that would be the key to value. We are still very far from understanding perfectly how our brain interprets visual … Read More →
This is what happens when you tweet : Your little message in bottle that you thought was so important disappears in a sea of messages. We are not saying you shouldn’t tweet, just saying you should take pictures instead.
Man I love what this guy has to say :
( the issue with the player has been fixed) A great and insightful interview of VII Manager Stephen Mayes. You want to understand where the photo industry is going, you have to listen to him : Thank you Gerald Holubowicz
Photography, like most industries affected by a center of gravity shift to digital, has experienced more than a migration from film to data packets. One of the most fundamental shift, however, is how the decision process moved from quality of content to cost. Let me explain: For a long time, the key decision in purchasing … Read More →