First, note of interest:
The French government has awarded Goksin Sipahioglu, a good friend of mine and a living legend in the world of photography, the highest reward a civilian can get from the country, the Legion D’honneur. Those who know me personally know that I am not very found of the French governement, but this is quite amazing. Will we ever see the US government reward a photographer or a photo agency creator with a Medal of Honor? More on this story on PDN.
Felicitation Goskin !!!
Second and as important : Time has finally published some images of Marcus Bleasdale, one of the greatest photographer living. A very interesting multimedia. As per one of my earliest blog, the proof that the Internet might finally allow for more full length photojournalism features. You would have never seen this published in its integrally in a magazine : Congo at the Crossroads
All and all, a good week for photojournalism.