For the upcoming week end, I thought I would share some links to a few web application I have been dying to play around with. Some are still in there infancy, others well on there way, but all our certainly a part of the evolutionary process of the FAWM project. LightBox network : A very Read More →

Enough !!. Those that talk about the good old days of photography have no memory. They are the same who declared the photography industry dead when Royalty Free first appeared. And did the same when technology forced them to move to digital, which they did very reluctantly and backwards. They cried at the arrivals of Read More →

Let’s say your a commercial stock photographer or agency and you are ready to embark on a new photo shoot. You probably have a direction, an objective in what and how you want to shoot. At least let’s hope you do. Therefore you should have already a set of keywords, if not written down, somewhere Read More →

Thought provoking idea are rare and few these days. I have been reading a lot about web 2.0 these past days while savoring family life. The big buzz is all about prosuming (consumer consuming what they produce) and big corporation re-inventing slavery, without the physical abuse. Consumers are now happy to give away for free Read More →

We have heard over and over how photojournalism is dying of a slow death. Numerous reasons have be given for this, from the lack of quality images ( to which I do not subscribe) to the diminishing space in magazine and newspaper. Many years ago, with the advent of the internet and visionaries like Brian Read More →

There is no imagination left in the professionnal fields of stock RM and RF photographer. Nothing. zip. Zilch.Nada. Has to be, because when you look at the images being offered by most stock agencies, they all look the same. Especially those taken with a piece of plastic added to their lenses. Stop it. Please. whoever Read More →

Hard to avoid working with Photoshop if you are in this industry. And a great product too, with so many possibilities that shelves of books are available in book stores, numerous websites, classes, courses, workshops, video and soon, after the “certified” they will have a PH.D for it. My oldest son learned how to use Read More →

Like every year, has put together a “best of..” for the year 2006. A bit too focused on wire service images and very U.S.A. concentric, but still an amazing sideshow: MSNBC.COM Year in pictures. Enjoy !!

It is about time… One key part of where photo agencies could save a lot of time, and thus money, is in their transactions. As I wrote earlier, one of microstock’s, and before that, traditional royalty free success’, is the credit card transaction. Since every transaction is made by credit card payment, the  billing process Read More →

There is a topic I have been wanting to write about for a long time. It is, in my view, as important as the orphan work legislation that is still, by the way, a living, breathing potential threat, democrats or no democrats. The French Government, ruling in favor of the elite class (France class system Read More →