Picture yourself, if you will, at a baseball game ( or soccer, or basketball). Imagine that each player, from each team has a HD video camera following his every move throughout the entire game. A few seconds after the game is finished, 5 of the best frames from all the video feeds are send to … Read More →
Taking a cue from the succesful microstock model, here is where photojournalism is heading. It is happening under our eyes, right now and in four steps. The decline of traditional photojournalism: Nothing really new here. Rising cost of living (travel, lodging, food) has made it almost impossible for current print and web publishers to send … Read More →
“Thoughts of ” is relocating or expanding : On Facebook : Thoughts of a Bohemian page for the daily snippets On La Lettre de la Photographie for 2 columns a week. One column is dedicated on the best there is to discover about photography on the web while the other, brand new, is about the … Read More →
No slightly blurry, underexposed images. No, “look at me, I took these pictures with a broken down Holga standing on one foot” pictures. No, “I am so much more important than the story I am photographing” reportage. No, “look at my Lego skills dude”. Nope. 100 % pure photojournalism. This year World Press Awards are … Read More →
It’s not there yet but it is certainly starting to look like one. The Morel Vs. AFP lawsuit has all the ingredients of a circus stage, without the tent. Morel, if you remember, shot some images of the earthquake in Haiti, put them of Twitter/Twipics, only to see them taken by AFP to be sold … Read More →
If you have been like most people and keeping an eye on the world soccer cup, you might have noticed something quite interesting. Well, at least if you are watching it on ESPN, the US sports channel in charge of transmitting the games live. This year, at least that we have noticed, the cable network … Read More →
It’s on the verge of a precipice and let’s face it, it will be hard to prevent it. No, not the photo industry; Ethics and photography. More and more we are seeing examples of photographers being caught altering their images. The issue is really affecting photojournalism and sports photography. Commercial shooters, Wedding “documentators”, Celebrity photographers, … Read More →
Photography, like most industries affected by a center of gravity shift to digital, has experienced more than a migration from film to data packets. One of the most fundamental shift, however, is how the decision process moved from quality of content to cost. Let me explain: For a long time, the key decision in purchasing … Read More →
What is going ? I ‘ll tell you what is going on : Recently, Time, inc, the biggest publisher of magazines in the world has made an agreement with AP, Reuters and Getty Images to license any and all non-exclusive images for a flat rate of $50.00, regardless of size or placement . Magazines like … Read More →
So you would think that with all the problems that online publications are causing to the print magazine industry, they would fight back in some manner. The print paper world would be all gang ho in trying to secure its predominance as the primary source of news and information so that the crowds would rush … Read More →