Jocelyn Manfredi portrait

It’s with words heavy in pain that we write these lines. Jocelyn Manfredi, the unwavering pillar of Sipa Press and photojournalism, has left us. Jocelyn was a multiple exception. A woman in a world full of macho men, she juggled multiple conversations while watching the news, in various languages, still making you feel like you Read More →

It’s never a good time to die. Never. But there are months that are worst than others. August is one of them, especially if you live in Western Europe. August is when everyone leaves on vacation and tunes off. Everyone and from everything. So if you pass away during August, there is a good chance Read More →

   The entry below is a crude Google Translate adaptation of the article by Michel Puech to be published tomorrow in Le Journal De la Photographie. I unfortunately do not have the time to clean up the translation but thought it was important enough to publish as is. Monday, January 21, 2013, Mr. Poli, judicial administrator, will be on his desk proposals of candidates Read More →

  Goksin was a tall man. In a country where most men are small (you have Napoleon and two world wars to thank for that), he was even taller, towering easily in the  crowded office of the company he build and named after himself. But Goksin was tall for other reasons. He was always above Read More →

Up to now, images would only give you remote information in a passive way. More than often, they illustrate an accompanying article, with no more duty than to confirm what you are reading. As much as the photographer or publisher tried, it was a view and forget operation. No so anymore. Thanks to new technology, Read More →

From a Photo Editor job posting at Time, inc, the world’s biggest publisher of magazine in the world: -Excellent editorial judgment and eye, must generate story ideas and identify topics to cover, must react to news. -Edit and build various online photo galleries, notably never-seen LIFE archival content and LIFE.coms weekly feature: The Weeks Best Read More →

Details are still sketchy as the official announcement will be made at 5 PM ( UK time) but according to sources, the London staff has just be informed of the purchase. They might be waiting to inform the Berliner staff, located in Los Angeles, bought by Rex Features a few years back. This acquisition makes Read More →

When an  amateur astrologist discovers an impact on the planet Jupiter, no one screams the end of professional astrologists, so why is it that when an amateur gets an image that pros did not get, it is the end of professional photojournalism ? The Universe is huge and not even the sum of all professionally Read More →

There is a lot of talk these days that photography has become a commodity. According to Wikipedia, “A commodity is something for which there is demand, but which is supplied without qualitative differentiation across a market. It is a product that is the same no matter who produces it, such as petroleum, notebook paper, or Read More →

It is interesting to see that as the technology has made easier and faster to transmit images, we are seeing less of photojournalism on main events. 30 years ago, it would have been unimaginable that such events like the Gaza/Israeli war, the Sri Lanka war or the Iranian protest would not be photographed. Now it Read More →