One of the biggest issue facing the professional photos licensing world today is search engines. In their effort to stay appealing to their users, they have all added an image search that allows for the quick and easy return of photos ( or graphics) corresponding to a query. Google, of course, but Yahoo and Bing … Read More →
by Jim Pickerell Microsoft’s Bing has created the Bing Image Widget making It possible for any Bing user to embed, free of charge, on their website or blog any images found in a Bing Images search. Here’s how it works. If you are writing about volcanos you copy and paste this code into your web page where you … Read More →
Social Media opened our eyes to the reality that there is a massive talent pool of photographers that have not chosen the path of going pros. They enjoy taking and sharing photos just for the pleasure while they go on paying for their lives with other, probably more lucrative, occupations. Nevertheless, the technology world doesn’t see … Read More →
We sat down with Evan Nisselson, investor and founder of the LDV Vision Summit to find out more about this first of a kind event being held on June 4 in New York. Why did you decide to create the LDV Vision Summit? I have been involved in digital imaging and video companies for almost 20 years. … Read More →
If a fly lands on your nose, right between your two eyes, it becomes invisible. You might feel it, but you do not see it. The obvious, sometimes, acts like a fly on your nose. Several announcements in the last few weeks has made it clear that the stock licensing industry is due for final … Read More →
At the end of 2007, a company with a chewing name, came out with a product that, at the time, made little noise. They had spent some time looking at the online photo licensing space and thought the system was upside down. Their idea was that, instead of delivering a file against a flat fee … Read More →
The world of professional photography has been scratching its head trying to figure out why so many casual photographers are having as much success, if not more, than they are. After all, on one side you have experience, adequate equipment, preparation, knowledge and on the other, well, we don’t really know. No … Read More →
Today, or yesterday, Google made a little change to its image search engine that could have great consequences. Apparently responding to a blog post by Lessing – the leading advocate for a copyright free world- who was complaining that Bing Images search offered better functionality, Google decided to move the license search filter to the … Read More →
During this period of the year, like many of us that write about photography, I receive many well wishes from a wide variety of photographers, photo galleries, photo agencies and pretty much anyone involved in the photography business. They all come via email mostly from people I have never communicated with in my life. Under … Read More →
Publications are no longer the place where photography is consumed, social media is. The so called professional market has become an infinitesimal portion of the marketplace. The big Internet companies have understood it and are waging a take no prisoners battle to control it. They want it all. They want to be the place where photographs … Read More →