I have noticed something interesting. There is a fundamental difference between editorial photographers and commercial stock photographers. Commercial stock photographers are exactly that: commercial. They are the ones that spend the most time blogging and ranting. They have endless discussions on the economics of picture taking, from the cost of an image to the licensing Read More →

Thought provoking idea are rare and few these days. I have been reading a lot about web 2.0 these past days while savoring family life. The big buzz is all about prosuming (consumer consuming what they produce) and big corporation re-inventing slavery, without the physical abuse. Consumers are now happy to give away for free Read More →

It is about time… One key part of where photo agencies could save a lot of time, and thus money, is in their transactions. As I wrote earlier, one of microstock’s, and before that, traditional royalty free success’, is the credit card transaction. Since every transaction is made by credit card payment, theĀ  billing process Read More →

Thanks to Andy Goetze of the fame Stockphototalk blog, I received many comments regarding my first blog. I was not really expecting anyone to read it, as it was more a part of my new site MelcherSystem. I figure, if I do have a receptive audience, I might as well continue. So here are some Read More →

I was reading an article by Leslie Hugues on mactribe.com , an old boss of mine at Corbis, regarding Microstock companies like Istockphoto and other. I noticed a few things: Apart from the fact that she writes a lot to really no end, for which she is notorious, the whole point of the rise of Read More →