So while most people are getting ready to take a long 3 day weekend to bid a last farewell to summer ( at least in North America) and others are frolicking among the cafe table of Perpignan, mighty Getty images doesn’t miss a beat.
What now ? Called the “Artist Digital Toolkit” , it is basically a plain and dirty affiliate program with a Starbucks inspired name. You know, like when you put a link to Amazon on your website and if someone clicks on it and ends up bying something you get a cut? Well, this is the same. Except, it uses contributors to do so.
How so crowdsourcing of them.
Here is the deal : You put one of their specially branded web banners, or e mail signature, or Facebook app, or whatever they give you and if someone clicks on it and purchases an image, you get a % of the sale: 16% if it is new customer, only 7 % if it’s a returning customer, whether it’s your image or not.
Help Getty sale images and get paid to do it.
Not only you give them content to sale, but you actually help them sale it too. What else, clean the offices after hours ?
You could even increase your 30% commission on certain sales to a whopping 37%. How cool is that? I smell riches here..
You will also contribute to Getty SEO campaign by creating new links for them. But you get no penny for that. Don’t push it, ok ?
So, if you are a Getty Contributor, get your free “Artist Digital Toolkit” and watch your bank account grow…