Photo by Ian Espinosa on Unsplash

The particularity of the photo industry is its death wish. At its core, everything and everyone in this industry seems hell-bent on destroying itself and, along with it, the whole industry. Take PDN, for example. Long considered the monthly bible of professional photographers with its tall vertical pages, authoritative product reviews, and industry-leading conference. Nothing Read More →

The news crackled and spread like a barrel full of fireworks set on fire by an innocent four years old carelessly playing with stolen matches. First, via an e-mail leak, then by an official press release. Getty Images, the last bastion and great defender of rights managed, was laying its swords down, defeated. It was Read More →

The numbers are well known -billions of photos shared every day- and the habits well-entrenched- checking social media 40 times a day-. Every concert, every street performance, every incident, accident, spill, fall, weird dance, every anything that is out of the ordinary is filmed and photographed and immediately shared via a myriad of networked channels linked Read More →

One of the foundations of photo agencies is to provide its customers with safe, secure, properly vetted visual content. In exchange for a fee, clients of photo agencies are offered images they can use in full blissful confidence. Or so you thought. In the last month, a few stories have surfaced exposing that this might Read More →


The real strength of deepfakes or alternate images is not that they falsify the truth – we have been able to that since the birth of photography- but rather, thanks to social media, that they are completely dissociated from their original creators and thus their intent.  When the Soviet government released a documentary, we knew Read More →

Guest Post by Thierry Secretan, photographer, author, journalist. Although Instagram declares it does not monetize your pictures, it still allows commercial Instagram clones to proliferate. Those generate revenue using your images without sharing any of the profits. Which one of us does not share our photographs on Instagram? What good is it to take pictures, Read More →

After over twenty plus years working in and observing the photo industry, one conclusion is clear: One of the worst enemies of the photo industry is its own members. While the forces of business, technology, and social trends have had some profound adverse effects on photography, nothing has been as eroding as the constant self-deprecating, Read More →