The problem with photography today is not Instagram, Selfies or other Snapchat. It is not the devaluation of the value of professional photography. No, those are nothing compared to the massive influx of a pernicious disease infecting modern photography. The problem with photography today is that everyone writes about photography. Not that is a problem Read More →

More than often these days, we see published, mostly in photojournalism, stories about the story rather than the story itself. Maybe due to sites like or Kickstarter who are repositories of photojournalist exposing their storytelling process, or the advent of more and more websites about photography rather than on photography, we are seeing an Read More →

“Thoughts of ” is relocating or expanding : On Facebook :  Thoughts of a Bohemian page  for the daily snippets On La Lettre de la Photographie for 2 columns a week. One column is dedicated on the best there is to discover about photography on the web while the other, brand new, is about the Read More →

Let’s face it, you are waging a losing battle. In fact, it’s not even a battle because one side has won already. Every time you sign up for a social network, be it Facebook, Twitter or Google +, you are faced with TOS ( Terms of Service) that are pure rights grabbing, making it a Read More →

It used to be that photojournalism could be done by everyone. Lately, this seem to have shifted. When Bob Capa decided to go cover the Spanish civil war, he took with him ( or was it the opposite ?), photographer Gerda Taro. Probably because she died much earlier than Capa ( in 1937), her work Read More →

So you lost your job at a fancy newspaper and wedding photography is not you thing. Or you spend years behind a photo desk editing others’ pictures and you want in on the action. War is too far and too dangerous. Studio is expensive and tedious. Microstock is just that : micro. what’s left ? Read More →

“You want to save it, you should niche it”. From old timers stock gurus to young green microstock expert, they all tell the same tale of potential success : dig yourself into a deep hole where no one else can reach you and stay there. Shoot stuff no one else shoots and bark if they Read More →

Saw this today : Idea is smart: Charge and download images at the same time. no wires. Problem : it seems to be entirely thought around the “family picture” market only and not for the pro or semi pro user. Furthermore, you seem to need a box that is linked to your TV. Now really Read More →

So, what do you do when you have a problem ? Burn everything ? Apparently , that is the new solution. A year ago, French photographer, Jean Batiste ( sorry, couldn’t find his last name), decided that, in order to protest the harsh financial conditions some photographers face, he would burn his images. You can Read More →