The misconception of the pro photography world is that, without their content, publications, blogs, and other companies cannot be successful. They believe that they are in a position of power in an economy that is rapidly doing without them. True, a decade or plus ago, it was very hard, if not impossible, for a print … Read More →
This is a guest post by Paul Harris : Dear Mark Zuckerberg, I hope this note is read by you and all of your tech company friends, who will take note that regarding a photograph, “If you generate revenues on it, around it, relating to it, we want a piece of it.” I also … Read More →
The only two things you need to know about Facebook new terms are : – ( already exists) “you grant us a non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, worldwide license to use any IP content that you post on or in connection with Facebook.” – ( revised) “You give us permission to use your name, and profile picture, content, and … Read More →
Organizing the flow of images and extracting value. Finding, in the millions of images being shared daily, those that have a potential to be sold. How do we figure out this riddle ? In a time where everyone is talking about big data and how to make sense and profit from huge amounts of information, … Read More →
I was perusing through photos of the 2013 CEPIC congress who just completed its annual festival in Barcelona. Like every year, photo merchants from all over the world gathered around tables and four chairs to trade, exchange, redistribute content they mostly did not create, like kids playing with sets of collectable cards. I’ll … Read More →
We are on the footsteps of a new photography landscape that is or will be affecting everyone who intends to draw substantial revenue operating a camera. While we can see and feel the changes, how to adapt is not clear. Mostly because we are trying to apply or adapt old models to new rules and … Read More →
There is a battle brewing in courts that everyone in the photo industry should pay very close attention to. A company called ReDigi ( is in the business of allowing anyone to resale “used” digital files. In other words, allowing anyone to sell, for example, an MP3 file they legally purchased. They claim rightful … Read More →
The entry below is a crude Google Translate adaptation of the article by Michel Puech to be published tomorrow in Le Journal De la Photographie. I unfortunately do not have the time to clean up the translation but thought it was important enough to publish as is. Monday, January 21, 2013, Mr. Poli, judicial administrator, will be on his desk proposals of candidates … Read More →
It’s the end of the year and soon the beginning of a new one. Time to review the past year and what better way them giving out awards, especially if it doesn’t involve a three hour long ceremony. Here goes, the first annual Thoughts of a Bohemian awards, or otherwise called the Bohey’s. Best Photo agency : With close … Read More →
Earlier this week, Picscout/Getty released a new licensing tool to deal with social media platforms of all kind. In a nutshell, it works like this. Social media platform ( think Pinterest, Facebook, Twitter) install an API on their site that allows to automatically recognize if an image posted belongs to a photo agency (Getty … Read More →