At the eve of the industry biggest edirorial event in the world, Visa pour l’Image, photographer Stanley Green announced the creation of a new international photographer coop based in Amsterdam . Photo agency Noor, to open officially the 7 of September isĀ  taking the VII approach of a few high quality photographers uniting into a Read More →

There are many things we seem to forget while we all go about our daily business of licensing images. Some are good, some are bad, some are in between. In order to clear up the horizon, I made a little list. The Good ( or positive) : – Microstock : Introduced millions to licensing images. Read More →

let’s be honest for a while. What we sell is Time. If we consider the passing of time as a continuous flow, than a photograph is nothing more than a very thin slice extracted and displayed outside of its natural place. A bit like a very thin glass of water taken from a stream. It Read More →

Too much about nothing. Tired of microstock, of Getty’s quarterly report, of the nay sayers and doomsday scenario ? Tired of pictures of cows in a field or girls wearing a black suit smiling while wearing a headset? Well head on the the land of great photography as it is grown daily by the likes Read More →

One big difference between Editorial and Commercial photography, is that in the Editorial world you have to go find the images. and then you have to go out and sell it. In the case of the terrorist attack on the Scottish airport, for example, agencies were on the phones locating anyone that was there and Read More →

Over and over one can read, or hear, that photojournalism is dead, or dying. And it is, but not for the reason that one might think. What is really dying is the journalism in photojournalism . A while back photographers were great investigators, reporters, that would uncover a story and bring it to the world’s Read More →

While other website owners seem to spend their days looking at how many images Fotolia has or has not uploaded (who cares ?), and others become experts at playing the stock market, Brian Storm and his team have again come out with a magnificent multimedia. If you have 10 minutes to spare in your day, Read More →

…declares Mark Kuschner, now Getty’s new global VP of entertainment after leaving Getty to go to Wireimage and now back at Getty, bought as part of the Mediavast $200 million deal. In a Variety Magazine article (the Bible of the entertainment industry), Kuschner and many other players, comment about the overcrowding of the paparazzi scene. Read More →

Cultural differences between countries are not just limited to the content of the image. Sure, in commercial stock, an image buyer from a certain country will look for people of the same race/origin as the country the image will be published in. We just do not look like each other and our looks do not Read More →

While everyone is trying to find things to bury, form the death of photojournalism to the end of vertical images ( yes, I read that somewhere), in a desperate competition to be the first to announce “the end of..”, there is good news to report. The launch a new photo journalism agency. Not only that, Read More →