Guest Post by Thierry Secretan, photographer, author, journalist. Although Instagram declares it does not monetize your pictures, it still allows commercial Instagram clones to proliferate. Those generate revenue using your images without sharing any of the profits. Which one of us does not share our photographs on Instagram? What good is it to take pictures, Read More →

After over twenty plus years working in and observing the photo industry, one conclusion is clear: One of the worst enemies of the photo industry is its own members. While the forces of business, technology, and social trends have had some profound adverse effects on photography, nothing has been as eroding as the constant self-deprecating, Read More →

It’s not by lack of topics ( there are many). Nor is it by lack of interest. It’s just a lack of time. Sometimes there are not enough hours in the day and if something has to be sacrificed, unfortunately, it is this blog. However, the call is sometimes too strong to ignore so here is, Read More →

Guest post by: Thierry Secretan, photographer, journalist, filmmaker. Only 3% of the photographs published on the web still have their metadata — The remaining 97% are stripped of all metadata. Why? How? By whom? What are the solutions? In a time where we are confronting a surge of fake news, these questions are worth asking. photo: Olivier Read More →

Since photography is the simple process of permanently capturing light waves, it is considered a perfect tool to capture reality.  It is, at its core, no different than our eyes. Even with its known limitations ( like less periphery, less color bandwidth or less dynamic range), it has and continues to be used to capture and Read More →

All really deserve a post of their own but my schedule will not allow the necessary time for a deeper dive. So here is the TL:DR version. Google/ Getty: Late last week, Getty announced a global licensing agreement with Google. While this wouldn’t rattle anyone’s news alert  (anyone can license images to Google), it is the terms Read More →

It’s going to come, there is no doubt about it. Within the next 5 to 10 years, computer software will allow the creation of fully realistic photos from scratch.  Already, researchers are experimenting with various ways to achieve this, including some without any human intervention. But before photographers drop their camera in search of other careers, Read More →

The world of photojournalism has changed but photojournalists do not seem to have noticed. Either schooled by tired teachers repeating the same outdated mantra to wide-eyed students or self-taught by blindly following obsolete rules, they are hitting a wall of incomprehension and misunderstanding. The result is an unhealthy combination of painful frustration and very poor reach. Change is long Read More →

World Press 2017 winning image by BURHAN OZBILICI/AP

At a time when the world seems to have elevated opinions over facts, where beliefs are confused with truth, the World Press Photo jury made a statement of position by highlighting an image of undisputed clarity. The Burhan Ozbilici image of an assassin pointing to the sky in fury after killing the Russian ambassador who lays dead Read More →

If you want to win the World Press Photo, you have to be : A Man Around 35 years old Either from North America or Europe Have taken a picture in Asia Horizontally framed Of a child In a war Dead or dying With a gray dominant color These are the results of a statistical Read More →