Finally..all in one place. Micro and traditional RF have finally united in one, simple to use, website. The entity behind it ? Well, Getty Images, of course. Some were already playing with it, others were staying away from it, Getty jumped in it, two feet at a time. No more of this ridiculous RF branding … Read More →
When smart people are combined with top end technology, something magical happens. Spiderpic is such an example. Brainchild of Ginipic, who had already launched a multiple database desktop application, Spiderpic is not only an image search portal but also serves as a price comparison site. To top it all, it is very simple to use … Read More →
The PACA is about to release their stockphotofinder. Or at least a Beta version of it. For those who do not know, PACA stands for Picture Archive Council of America and regroups hundreds of RM and RF commercial stock agencies. They have recently decided, in committee, to create a photo portal for all its members … Read More →
Google just released a white paper on image pattern recognition, yesterday, in Miami. Not really a new concept and already developped by a few companies, like Imense, in the UK, this however is a sign that Google is going beyond text tagging to retrieve images. In brief, this technology uses the “knowledge” of Picasa, Google … Read More →
Your stock photography at work : For those who have never been, this is a CEPIC congress. Rows and rows of tables and chairs. Every hour, on the hour, people move from one table to the other, looking at another computer screen while listening to a used pitch. Really, it is a bunch of suplliers … Read More →
There is only one certitude in the photography business : If you don’t spend money, you will not make money. Everything else is educated guess that some confuse with a lottery game. As much as we never know for sure if an image will sell, and how many times, as well as for how much, … Read More →
“In five years? Maybe the only stock businesses are companies that add value by scouring the web for the best work within a genre?.sort of back to photo research services.“ When the great Ellen Boughn speaks, the world of photography listens : read the whole interview here :
How was 2008 compared to 2007? What are industry trends in the production and sale of stock images? Selling-Stock has launched a survey ( to gather information from photographers, designers and illustrators concerning their 2008 income and cost of doing business. Go to to review our 2007 Income Survey results. The 2008 survey asks … Read More →
As rumors went, the reality follows. Bill Gates wholly-owned Corbis is closing down its microstock experiment, Snapvillage and merging it into its high value brand, Veer. yes, you are reading it right, Veer will be the new destination for the corbis microstock offering. Called Veer Marketplace, it will develop into a full offering in two … Read More →
According to Michael Arrington of TechCrunch, Flickr was inches away from releasing FlickrStock, allowing users to license their images for a fee. Apparently Getty convinced the Yahoo executive that an exclusive deal with them was much better. Getty protected its valuable Istockfoto asset thanks to this deal and delayed the opening of the flood gates. … Read More →