This industry, the stock and news photo industry, has a unique draw to the most varied, most eclectic individuals than any other. There is no school or degree that one can take to learn how to manage millions of images/videos to rent them to hundreds of thousands of users worldwide. No school or degree that Read More →

It’s not by lack of topics ( there are many). Nor is it by lack of interest. It’s just a lack of time. Sometimes there are not enough hours in the day and if something has to be sacrificed, unfortunately, it is this blog. However, the call is sometimes too strong to ignore so here is, Read More →

Guest post by: Thierry Secretan, photographer, journalist, filmmaker. Only 3% of the photographs published on the web still have their metadata — The remaining 97% are stripped of all metadata. Why? How? By whom? What are the solutions? In a time where we are confronting a surge of fake news, these questions are worth asking. photo: Olivier Read More →

Word on the street was that if Getty sneezed, the industry was sick. But what about Shutterstock? Has it taken a dominant enough position in the marketplace to become the health barometer of stock photography? Is this week’s quarterly report, covering a less than stellar quarter along with a less optimistic forecast, a sign of a general slowdown Read More →

The year has not been kind for the editorial space and as result, photo agencies have continued to suffer. The market continues to see  decreasing space rates along with print publications shutting down. Once the kingdom of Rights managed and exclusives, it is now a vast flat plain of yearly unlimited subscriptions and royalty free. Yet, Read More →

Photos and videos are exploding online. Every day, new innovative content is capturing our attention. Marketers are taking advantage of the trend and investing in visual content. The majority of senior marketers say visual content is crucial to their business, and its importance will continue to rise in the future. But what exactly does that Read More →

As the flow of news coming out of the stock photo industry major – and not so major – players keep on pushing one press release after the other, it is always good to take a step back and analyze trends. It’s been a hectic first six months of 2016 and if its any indication, Read More →

Photographers and anyone involved in the professional photo licensing business have a love/hate relationship with social media. Great marketing tool to display their latest photographs but with no revenue. Worse, social media platforms generate millions on the content being shared. This might change. ( pronounce “soo”) is a recent newcomer in the crowded world of Read More →