The other day, on Mother Jones, another article was published on whether photojournalism could survive in the age of Instagram. For some reason, Instagram is always positioned as the photojournalism killer when other platforms, like Twitter or Flickr have more potential to destroy it. If it can be destroyed. A few clarifications: It is … Read More →
A new camera is about to change how we think about photography. Or is it ? This camera, called Lytro, records the light field instead of a beam of light. Let me try to explain: Our current camera record light in one point regardless of its distance and crashes all the information in one location. … Read More →
The World Press awards has revealed its winners for 2008. As expected, the picture of Britney Spears having her head shaved off won for the best image of Arts and entertainment. Or did not. Once again, The World Press has shown its complete disrespect for the world of news in favor of an overly … Read More →
We all know that black and white, Holga / Lensbaby enhanced (?) with a touch of personal sensibility photo “journalism” is a dying breed (thank G~d !) and that it has created in its wake a lamenting song of despair : Photojournalism is dying. Well yes, bad photojournalism, the one that desperately tries to mix … Read More →
Over and over one can read, or hear, that photojournalism is dead, or dying. And it is, but not for the reason that one might think. What is really dying is the journalism in photojournalism . A while back photographers were great investigators, reporters, that would uncover a story and bring it to the world’s … Read More →
Filing in the blanks. Stock photographers fill in the empty spots of an agencies collection. I really want to know, who gets up one day and decides to become a professional stock photographer ? “my job”, I would assume they are thinking “will be to shoot for an archive”. Hopefully for them, they will be … Read More →
Like the Academy Awards of news photography, the new World Press winners are announced. A few notes of interest: ~There are a lot of black and white images. Not sure if this is a trend of how images were shot this year (2006) or the jury, looking at stories from afar, thought that the b/w … Read More →
There is no imagination left in the professionnal fields of stock RM and RF photographer. Nothing. zip. Zilch.Nada. Has to be, because when you look at the images being offered by most stock agencies, they all look the same. Especially those taken with a piece of plastic added to their lenses. Stop it. Please. whoever … Read More →