So, there was something very interesting about the photo news the week. On one side, you have the mighty Getty ( aka, the whale) who took a deep plunge in pricing with its subscription RF offering, combining microstock and pro , and on the other, legendary Magnum who manage a great coup by selling some … Read More →
Photography is much more powerful than we think it is. It can take pictures of the past. Take this image that you might have seen before, photographed by the Hubble telescope in 2004 : What you are seeing is the farthest image ever taken. Those tiny faint lights in the back are actually more than … Read More →
I was fortunate enough to have met both Pierre and Alexandra Boulat. I have been even more fortunate to have seen their images. In their memory and to continue the great photographic work of this amazing family, I am proud to announce the creation of : The Pierre and Alexandra Boulat Association and Grant and … Read More →