Stipples Rey Flemings Wants to Turn Pictures into Dollars : you can read more about Stipple here.
When I was a kid and I had a new toy that I liked, I wanted to show it. Today, if I had a car, and it was new, I would want to show it and even brag about it. And those are things I didn’t even built myself. So just imagine if I had … Read More →
Would a publication like LIFE be successful today ? The editors at LIFE decided to put photography first and text second in order To explain world around us via photography. LIFE’s magazine decision to give prominence to photography worked in a world were photographs, at least compared to today, were scarce. Worldwide events were seldom … Read More →
Our ability to achieve greatness is impeded by our addiction to getting to fast results and instant gratification. We are a civilization focused on the ends rather than the means, resulting in a complete absence of ethics. While the Greeks , Romans and Egyptians have left quasi immortal legacy, our civilization will leave a huge … Read More →
Picture yourself, if you will, at a baseball game ( or soccer, or basketball). Imagine that each player, from each team has a HD video camera following his every move throughout the entire game. A few seconds after the game is finished, 5 of the best frames from all the video feeds are send to … Read More →
Just imagine, if you will, that publishers would get paid to use your images. Just imagine that publishers would actually generate a profit directly from your photographs. All that and you would also make more revenue at the same time . Don’t you think you would be the most popular photographer/ photo agency ? Well, … Read More →
“Thoughts of ” is relocating or expanding : On Facebook : Thoughts of a Bohemian page for the daily snippets On La Lettre de la Photographie for 2 columns a week. One column is dedicated on the best there is to discover about photography on the web while the other, brand new, is about the … Read More →
Rex Features Press Release ( as I do not have time to write about it ) Management Buyout sees Rex Features retain independence London. 25th July 2011. Rex Features, owned by the Selby family since Frank and Elizabeth Selby launched the company in 1954, today announces that it is to pass control to its staff, … Read More →
The news cracked like thunder in the middle of a hot afternoon : Corbis has just acquired Splash news. The quiet giant has just eaten up the lean mean paparazzi machine. It is a surprise. There had been rumors in the photo agency world of Getty looking to purchase Splash, to fill their last hole … Read More →
A couple of events rattled the world of photography recently, with no particular effect. Unaccustomed to be put into question, photographs of news event have continue to pour into our field of vision, with little regards for what just had happened. Here’s the narrative: A little while ago, a bunch of very aggressive US Navy … Read More →