For most of the 80’s and throughout the early 2000’s, the recurring motto in the stock photo industry was “It’s the content, idiot”. Key to any growth of photo agencies and successful career of any photographer was the ability to offer great content. Rule number one was to appeal to clients and crush the competition by creating upscale, high Read More →

Of the billions of images being shared today, the vast majority will live a life of anonymous orphans, forever separated from its original creator. Beyond its obvious disregard to original creation, it is an issue affecting hundreds of thousands of photographers worldwide whose only revenue depends on this attribution. PixelRights, a British startup, just introduced SmartFrame, a solution which elegantly attempts to solve this dilemma for everyone involved. We spoke with CEO Robert Sewell to learn more: Read More →

Apparently, Getty Images is no longer in love with its entertainment division. Word in the street is that all the top executives of that branch, Vince Bannon, VP of Strategic Partnerships and Georges DeKeerle, Sr. Director EMEA have been given the pink slip. And there might be more.  The reasons are not clear. Some say that the celebrity division, Read More →

Photos and videos are exploding online. Every day, new innovative content is capturing our attention. Marketers are taking advantage of the trend and investing in visual content. The majority of senior marketers say visual content is crucial to their business, and its importance will continue to rise in the future. But what exactly does that Read More →

The world of sports has always been dominated by exceptional achievements. It is indelibly carved into a precise moment in time when the  accumulation of a lifetime of efforts culminates into a victorious epiphany.  A combination of a defeat of physical limitation as well as the complete and absolute annihilation of any competitors, it is a never-to-be-repeated-again Read More →

We look to the camera to explain the world. We entrust our professionals to go out and seek the most import, the most revealing events of the world and encapsulate them in a static frame for our sofa consumption. We do not seek, we wait to be informed. And by doing so, we are the Read More →

Photographers and anyone involved in the professional photo licensing business have a love/hate relationship with social media. Great marketing tool to display their latest photographs but with no revenue. Worse, social media platforms generate millions on the content being shared. This might change. ( pronounce “soo”) is a recent newcomer in the crowded world of Read More →

“It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.” – Henry David Thoreau As the world of photography inexorably advances into the grasp of advanced computerized processing – filters, computational imaging, deep learning, A.I, multi-lenses and more- we start to doubt its ability to properly represent reality. In a world dominated by computational enhancements, can we Read More →

Ever since the launch of the first iPhone, mobile photography has exploded, propelled by social media’s accelerating effect. Everyone, every day, everywhere is a photographer. With more than a billion photos uploaded and shared daily, the world of photography has forever changed. While barely significant in its early years, this mass production of unsolicited images Read More →