This is what you get when you mix the talent of Brian Storm and his team and the incredible dedication and eyesight of Marcus Bleasdale, new member of VII photo agency : If only everyone had a camera…with a conscience. Like Marcus.
According to the New York Times, Getty Images is putting itself for sale. Contrary to the nay sayers of this industry, it is no sign of a failure, but rather a clear indication that the owners have decided to cash in and leave. It seems that Mark Getty, and the board, have decided that even … Read More →
We talk about photography yet we don’t show much. Here is an incredible selection of images of the California fires taken by the staff of the Los Angeles Times: Los Angeles Times Photo Gallery The image of the house burning behind the Halloween garden decoration is purely amazing. While I am it, you should also … Read More →
And the EMMY Award for DOCUMENTARY/NONFICTION PROGRAMMING FOR BROADBAND goes to : — ““Kingsleys Crossing,” Olivier Jobard, photographer/videographer; Brian Storm , Eric Maierson, producers. Congratulations to Brian Storm and his team for this prestigious and certainly deserved award. If you have not seen the fantastic multimedia produced by Mediastorm, please go now before they … Read More →
Too much about nothing. Tired of microstock, of Getty’s quarterly report, of the nay sayers and doomsday scenario ? Tired of pictures of cows in a field or girls wearing a black suit smiling while wearing a headset? Well head on the the land of great photography as it is grown daily by the likes … Read More →
Brian Storm Mediastorm has been nominated for the Webby Awards. “Hailed as the Oscars of the Internet by the New York Times, The Webby Awards is the leading international award honoring excellence on the Internet, including Websites, Interactive Advertising, Online Film & Video, and Mobile Websites.” It is free to register to vote and anyone … Read More →
Fame photographer Nina Berman and Brian Storm teamed up to create this beautiful, heartbreaking multimedia : Soldier’s Boy
I have noticed something interesting. There is a fundamental difference between editorial photographers and commercial stock photographers. Commercial stock photographers are exactly that: commercial. They are the ones that spend the most time blogging and ranting. They have endless discussions on the economics of picture taking, from the cost of an image to the licensing … Read More →
We have heard over and over how photojournalism is dying of a slow death. Numerous reasons have be given for this, from the lack of quality images ( to which I do not subscribe) to the diminishing space in magazine and newspaper. Many years ago, with the advent of the internet and visionaries like Brian … Read More →
Like every year, has put together a “best of..” for the year 2006. A bit too focused on wire service images and very U.S.A. concentric, but still an amazing sideshow: MSNBC.COM Year in pictures. Enjoy !!