It used to be that when trouble hit the streets, autocratic governments would shut access to the media, in particular to photographers. Those were targeted for a few reasons: One, they were easily identifiable with their gear, two, they could quickly communicate a situation via photos, and three, they worked for outlets with large readership Read More →

It’s never a good time to die. Never. But there are months that are worst than others. August is one of them, especially if you live in Western Europe. August is when everyone leaves on vacation and tunes off. Everyone and from everything. So if you pass away during August, there is a good chance Read More →

Popular saying declares that a photo is worth a thousand words. But how is it useful if those words are meaningless? How many times have we’ve read articles or books who bring us little to no information? Words, even a thousand of them, can be deceptively useless. So sure, photos can most of the time describe faster and better than text. But that Read More →

Authentic Twilight

      The world of professional photography has been scratching its head trying to figure out why so many casual photographers are having as much success, if not more, than they are. After all, on one side you have experience, adequate equipment, preparation, knowledge and on the other, well, we don’t really know. No Read More →

          It was just a question of time. We have repeatedly wrote here about how the current photo licensing model is broken and obsolete . We also explained at full length how image data collection and third-party revenue are the new gold mine. Getty apparently heard and is now applying. (If Read More →

world press winning image

Whatever you do, not everyone will be happy. In fact, some will actually go a long way to find something wrong with what you did. It’s a small price to pay for success. That is the certainly true of the World Press Award. However hard they try to diversify the members of the jury, never Read More →

If you have been reading this blog, you already know that we strongly believe that next big disruption to the pro licensing scheme is already in your hands. Not so much because everyone has a camera and can potentially shoot ( nothing new here) but rather for its ability to put image buyers and sellers Read More →

Photography is an act of reduction. Besides the obvious like sound, touch, smell, when we photograph, we take a conscious decision to subtract elements of reality. Framing is not so much about what to include but rather what to exclude. Everything we decide not to include in our frame is considered a distraction and non-essential. Read More →

         In light of the ongoing conversation about the issue of the nature of government photographer produced images supplanting independent photojournalists, on December 31st Dutch newspaper The Volkskrant (circ 250k) published a full page spread placing side to side images from North Korean leader Kim Jung Un and President Obama – in Read More →