One big difference between Editorial and Commercial photography, is that in the Editorial world you have to go find the images. and then you have to go out and sell it. In the case of the terrorist attack on the Scottish airport, for example, agencies were on the phones locating anyone that was there and … Read More →
Friday is a good day. It is a good day to review the week past. And for that, the first thing I do is head straight to the week in pictures from A great place to see some of the best images of the week and also vote and compare your choice with that … Read More →
My friends at American Photo posted a great entry about the Fashion Industry Photo awards..OOOPs, the ICP awards. One has to wonder, who nominated Karl Lagerfield and GAP? GAP can’t even find a CEO. In a time where photojournalism has great talents while suffering from an onslaught of wire service one shot photos, one would … Read More →
It’s award season, even in the photography world. The “Picture of the Year International” is in progress and a lot of the winners have been already announced. While it boasts itself as being international, this competition is very American centric, thus very focused on the “one image” concept. Furthermore, it only covers news and sports … Read More →
I came upon a cool new website today and starting playing with it. The result, if you click on “run this pipe”, is all images in Flickr that corresponds to a news item on Google News. It is very interesting and when I have more time, I will attempt to create more pipes of this … Read More →
Like the Academy Awards of news photography, the new World Press winners are announced. A few notes of interest: ~There are a lot of black and white images. Not sure if this is a trend of how images were shot this year (2006) or the jury, looking at stories from afar, thought that the b/w … Read More →
Although I was aware it was coming, I read the news on PDN today. The media giant TIME, Inc has fired 289 people yesterday. Closing offices, laying off staffers, it is terrible. I know some of the people there and it hurts. One of the very interesting comment made by a spokesman who appears to … Read More →
I have noticed something interesting. There is a fundamental difference between editorial photographers and commercial stock photographers. Commercial stock photographers are exactly that: commercial. They are the ones that spend the most time blogging and ranting. They have endless discussions on the economics of picture taking, from the cost of an image to the licensing … Read More →
We have heard over and over how photojournalism is dying of a slow death. Numerous reasons have be given for this, from the lack of quality images ( to which I do not subscribe) to the diminishing space in magazine and newspaper. Many years ago, with the advent of the internet and visionaries like Brian … Read More →
There is no imagination left in the professionnal fields of stock RM and RF photographer. Nothing. zip. Zilch.Nada. Has to be, because when you look at the images being offered by most stock agencies, they all look the same. Especially those taken with a piece of plastic added to their lenses. Stop it. Please. whoever … Read More →