The entry below is a crude Google Translate adaptation of the article by Michel Puech to be published tomorrow in Le Journal De la Photographie. I unfortunately do not have the time to clean up the translation but thought it was important enough to publish as is. Monday, January 21, 2013, Mr. Poli, judicial administrator, will be on his desk proposals of candidates … Read More →
It is not often that we criticize a judgement from the court because, after all, we live in a state of rules and regulation that we must observe in order to remain a civilized culture. If wasn’t for the Law there would be chaos. This judgment comes from France. In the wake of the Kate … Read More →
Goksin was a tall man. In a country where most men are small (you have Napoleon and two world wars to thank for that), he was even taller, towering easily in the crowded office of the company he build and named after himself. But Goksin was tall for other reasons. He was always above … Read More →
A couple of events rattled the world of photography recently, with no particular effect. Unaccustomed to be put into question, photographs of news event have continue to pour into our field of vision, with little regards for what just had happened. Here’s the narrative: A little while ago, a bunch of very aggressive US Navy … Read More →
Is it the end of microstock and royalty free ? No, not because of decline in usage but rather as a result of powerful litigation. A french organization certainly thinks so. The Union des Photographes Professionels , UPP (Union of professional photographers) just recently held a round table 0n the damages of royalty free, it’s … Read More →
While the French are busy protesting about how many years it will take them to retire, the French Parliament is about to also pass a law governing orphan work. Up to now, a publication could just slap the credit “DR” ( Droits Reserves: Right reserved) under an image and ignore any licensing fees. This worked … Read More →
Is Pixpalace involved in price fixing ? On a recent email send out by the company last week, Pixpalace, an online aggregation of photo agencies content similar to Newscom, asked it’s suppliers to agree on prices so it would be easier for publishers to purchase images. The intent is noble, the result is horrific. Pixpalace … Read More →
So, the French minister of Culture ( at least they have one) descends to the Arles photo festival like a conqueror and announces, probably very proud of himself, that he and his photo committee he created a while back, will create a photo portal. A French one, in three languages ( French , English and … Read More →
According to an article in the French press, the subsidiary of Corbis, Sygma, has just filed for bankrupcy protection. “I am unable to pay my creditors,” said Stefan Biberfeld, director of Sygma, which was founded in 1973 and was purchased in 1999 by the American company Corbis, owned by Bill Gates personally. The reason (something … Read More →
Details are still sketchy as the official announcement will be made at 5 PM ( UK time) but according to sources, the London staff has just be informed of the purchase. They might be waiting to inform the Berliner staff, located in Los Angeles, bought by Rex Features a few years back. This acquisition makes … Read More →